What follows is a copy of an email that i sent some time ago to an abduction forum, i never got a reply... "I do not know what the date was, i didn't write it down, i think maybe i should have. The time was around 12-12:20am, i was lying down on my sofa, i had my eyes closed and was listening to a movie that was on the television, it had started about 12am, it was a film i had seen before. While i listened to the movie i was thinking to myself about a great many things (as i am prone to do), i was not tired but the film was not really holding my attention(as i said, i had seen it before and it wasnt very good!). As i lay there, mulling things over in my mind, something happened. A thought crossed my mind, i do not know what the thought was, it was there and gone in an instant. Whatever it was it had an effect on me, it prompted me to open my eyes, a sort of overwhelming urge, so i did. As i opened my eyes i looked over into the right hand corner of the room, about three meters away near my chess table, i do not know why i did this but when i did i got an uncanny feeling that there was some thing there. There wasn't, the room was light, there was a lamp on and there were not any heavy shadows in the room, but still there was a feeling that there was something there, so i did something that i can only describe as "looking harder" at the spot where i thought something was, it was a kind of concentration or maybe a shift in perception. Sure enough, in an instant, something did appear. It materialised next to the chess table, i say materialised but that is not really an accurate descrption for what i saw because what i saw was not material in the physical sense. I have tried to describe to my family what i saw and the best that i have come up with so far has been "a solid shadow" or "a hole in reality" in humanoid shape. I feel that the second description is the better of the two. So there it was, plain as day, standing about three meters away from me, it was about three feet tall and i assume facing toward me, i say this because when it started to walk toward me it did not turn to do so. It did not move fast, just a normal walking pace, i did not notice its gait but it definately walked as opposed to floated. As it moved toward me i was transfixed by it, but i was not scared, the thought that ran through my mind was "well...thats a bit strange isn't it?", as it did so i was aware that i could see two more of them from the corner of my eye, one of them was examining the television and another was looking at my bookshelf which contains all manner of works. As i have said, i was not scared, i was more curious and i did not get any feeling that they were malevolent in any way. As the first moved toward me across the room i began to feel heavy and as it crossed directly in front of me, no more than a foot or so away i fell paralysed, i had been propped up on one elbow but i instantly slumped down and my eyes fell shut. I was paralysed all over except for my arms which still seemed to function, stranger than that, i found that although my eyes were closed i could still see although i have the impression that things were a little cloudy. I found this quite perturbing and so i tried to open my eyes but found that i could not, i even tried to pry open my eyelids with my fingers but found that they would not move. A moment later i felt myself being pulled backwards, in fact through the back of my sofa and indeed out through the solid wall of my flat. As i moved backward i had the sense that i was being accellerated back at quite a pace, but to my eyes i seemed to be moving at only about 5MPH. I was left looking at the receding room that i had been in, the wall and the ceiling and indeed the flat above me had been rendered completely invisible and i could see the room in great detail by the lamp light that was shining. The back of the sofa was however still solid and so i was unable to determine wether i was in fact still lying on it and somehow floating out of my body, i do not think that i was because i have a vague memory of feeling the cold air outside. The lst thing i remember about it was that i was outside, still moving backwards, about forty or fifty feet away from my flat and about the same distance above the ground. The next thing i knew i was back lying on the sofa, propped up on my elbow as i had been, i took note of my surroundings to see if any trace remained but there was none that i could see. The one thing that i did notice was that although the experience had seemed to me like only a minute or so, two at the most, the storyline of the movie seemed to have advanced quite a long way. I am not sure how long but i had seen the film before nad knew that i had definately missed more tham two minutes of it, i have estimated that i lost at least ten to twenty minutes, possibly more, of this i am not sure. At this point i felt extremely relaxed, tired even, so without further ado, i thought to myself "well that was a bit strange" and promptly turned over and went straight to sleep! This is not like me, i have been an insomniac for many years and if something is on my mind it can keep me awake for hours! The next day i told my family about this experience, they are pretty open minded people but i still expected them to call me crazy or say that i dreamed it but they did not. They know me well enough to know that i do not make things up and that i am well aware of the difference between dreaming and waking, one thing that i am very sure of is that it was not a dream! The strangest is yet to come, for the next day, while tidying up the room i came across my scientific calculator, it had been left on the coffee table in front of the sofa tha previous day. As i picked it up to put it away i noticed something odd, there was a number on the screen, two to the power of seventy two (that is a two on the main display and a seventy two in the sub display in the top right corner(thats a 2 with 72 zeros after it!)), there also appeared to be something stored in the memory(an M in the left hand corner). As you might gather i found this very interesting after the nights events, i would have liked to have found out what was in the memory but had no way of retrieving it without cancelling the first number (i have no idea how to enter 2 to the power of 72 into my calculator, its not the sort of thing i have to do and i cant find the instructions!), so, not wanting to lose the data i had no option but to simply press the equals sign (=), as i did so the equaton resulted in an answer of 2 to the power of 68, thats a two with sixty eight zeros after it or, 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 I have done a few searches on this number and have come up with nothing, it has been suggested to me that maybe it is a code of some sort, i once read a book called cosmos by carl sagan, he used to work for NASA but wrote this after he left their employ. It is a work of fiction about alien contact in which an alien bieng relates a code that is built in to the universe that sort of proves that the universe was engineeered by an outside force, it said the if you calculate pi to infinity and display the results in a grid of ten by ten (because we count in base ten) eventually all you will get is a random stream of ones and zeros, like binary computer code but if you calculate it far enough then there will indeed be a pattern there, a perfect circle filling the ten by ten grid of ones among the zeros or vice versa. The odds of this happening by chance are even more mind boggling than the number above! I have been wondering what would happen is i did this and calculated pi to 2 to the power of 68 places? just a thought, and as i do not yet have access to a computer powerful enough to do this i will, for now, just have to wait! You may believe me or not as you so choose, but i know that these thing really happened to me and that is all that matters, though i will stress that i am not prone to delusions or fabrications and the numbers on the calculator could not in my opinion have happened by chance, nobody in our house is an astro physicist or mathematician! Make of this what you will but i will greatly appreciate any feedback that anyone out there may have. i do not mind if anyone wants to e-mail me about this, i understand that most people would want to keep this sort of thing quiet! yours sincerely, stewart" N.B. Corrections: The Carl Sagan novel in question is 'contact' not 'cosmos' as previously stated. Also, i am now given to believe that two to the power of sixty eight is in fact NOT 2 with 68 zeros after it (that is 2 X 10^68), 2^68 would then be 2 X itself 68 times? I.e. a binary string of 68 bits? I have also posted this topic to the fortean times message board, some good feedback was produced which quickly degenerated into quips about intelligence and someone injecting thier eyeball! It is my hope that i will find more measured and informed responses here. Also note that although i have entered this string into the abductons section i am by no means convinced that this was the case. As always i reserve my opinion pending further information! lol Any thoughts on this one my friends? Quantum.